higher alcohols

higher alcohols
высшие спирты

lanolin alcohols — спирты ланолина

fusel alcohols — спирты из сивушных масел

fatty acid alcohols — спирты жирных кислот

fatty alcohols mixture — комплекс жирных спиртов

sesquiterpene alcohols — сесквитерпеновые спирты

The English-Russian dictionary general scientific. 2015.

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Смотреть что такое "higher alcohols" в других словарях:

  • higher alcohols — aukštesnieji alkoholiai statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Alkoholiai, kurių molekulėje yra daugiau kaip 10 C atomų. atitikmenys: angl. higher alcohols rus. высшие спирты …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • Alcohol — This article is about the generic chemistry term. For the kind of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages, see Ethanol. For beverages containing alcohol, see Alcoholic beverage. For other uses, see Alcohol (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

  • alcohol — /al keuh hawl , hol /, n. 1. Also called ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol, ethanol, fermentation alcohol. a colorless, limpid, volatile, flammable, water miscible liquid, C2H5OH, having an etherlike odor and pungent, burning taste, the intoxicating… …   Universalium

  • Ethylene oxide — Oxirane redirects here. For oxiranes as a class of molecules, see epoxide. Ethylene oxide …   Wikipedia

  • distilled spirit — ▪ alcoholic beverage Introduction also called  distilled liquor,    alcoholic beverage (such as brandy, whisky, rum, or arrack) that is obtained by distillation from wine or other fermented fruit or plant juice or from a starchy material (such as …   Universalium

  • Second generation biofuels — Biofuel technologies are able to manufacture biofuels from biomass. Biomass is a wide ranging term meaning any source of organic carbon that is renewed rapidly as part of the carbon cycle. Biomass is all derived from plant materials but can… …   Wikipedia

  • n-Butanol — n Butanol …   Wikipedia

  • chemical industry — Introduction       complex of processes, operations, and organizations engaged in the manufacture of chemicals and their derivatives.       Although the chemical industry may be described simply as the industry that uses chemistry and… …   Universalium

  • Butanol — or butyl alcohol (sometimes also called biobutanol when produced biologically), is a primary alcohol with a 4 carbon structure and the molecular formula of C4H10O. It belongs to the higher alcohols and branched chain alcohols. [… …   Wikipedia

  • Biodiesel — This article is about transesterified lipids. For hydrogenated alkane renewable diesel, see Vegetable oil refining. For biomass and organic waste to fuel production, see Biomass to liquid. For unmodified vegetable oil used as motor fuel, see… …   Wikipedia

  • N-Butanol — Chembox new Name = Butanol ImageFile = Butan 1 ol 2D skeletal.png ImageName = 1 Butanol: skeletal structure ImageFile1 = Butanol flat structure.png ImageName1 = 1 Butanol: flat structure ImageFile2 = Butan 1 ol 3D vdW.png ImageName2 = 1 Butanol:… …   Wikipedia

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